Why wouldn’t you use a TriggerSafe when you don’t have control of the weapon? Help avoid the accidents that occur every hunting season by using a TriggerSafe.
why was triggersafe™ created?
Triggersafe™ was designed to fix a weapon problem that everyone knew occurred, but no one wanted to discuss, Negligent Discharges. When a person with a rifle or shotgun does not have "positive control" of the weapon, the chances of a negligent discharge increase. Positive control is when we have our hands on the weapon and control the safety and trigger. The chance that a piece of gear or other object can push the trigger is greatly reduced with a Triggersafe™ in place. Triggersafe™ was intended for environments and times when we don't have full control of the weapon.
Triggersafe™ is manufactured in LaPorte, Indiana. This safety feature is being used by people around the USA and overseas for hunting, storage, transporting and anytime they don’t have full control of the weapon.